Beasts At the Door.
Boom, boom, boom! Loud, violent knocks at my door. I'm trying to comfort my girlfriend, as she claims to be seeing things. The events she describes mirror what I've been experiencing. Why...why did I have cross that part of town. Why couldn't I have just waited a few more hours? Boom! The apartment complex seemed to vibrate and shutter. The same grawls became apparent, as the banging intensified. I hold her tight, as lights flicker. Is it gonna get in, is this the end?
It Enters
The lights short out, as the sound of the door being smashed is created. Luckily, I have a flashlight, to use for illumination. What I saw shocked me. The door was broken in half, massive claw marks spanning the floor of my appartment. Furthermore, the sounds of screaming eminated from outside my room. I regain my calmness, and prepare to find an escape route. I turn girlfriend is missing....