The Crematorium

The most populated place of the Asylum

This area is the most population, on the account that the fact that the person is alive or dead, is disregarded. As you've heard, life and death are very close nit in this place. Here, death was frequent and mass death was common place. This meant the morgue and crematorium were packed and brimming with corpses. Often times, the cremitorium wasnt simply used for turning the dead into ash, it was also used for something much worse.

Other Uses

Unfortunately, when the Asylum was over run by patients, the doctors would drug living patients. This would spark a deep sleep, the employees would take these passed out patients and do the unthinkable. They would throw the patients into into furnaces, while alive. In fact, some patients would be forced into furnaces, and burned alive. So, to put it simply, the crematorium, also served an exterminary role. In addition, cannibalistic individuals used the furnaces to cook dead individuals, so their meat could be cured. Lastly, infants were common victims. If an employee was anger and annoyed by an infant's crying, he would be able to throw the child into the furnace. Unfortunately, due to the fact that hundreds of individuals were burned, the death toll and specifics are unknown.

The Outbreak

Its safe to assume that the crematorium went out of order when the outbreak struck. Mutations and other patients stormed the crematorium, masacring personnel and throwing them into the fernaces, cooking them alive. The death toll grew everymore as the employees were added. From here, the Asylum's forces would lose the crematorium to the outbreak.