Edison Anderson


Edison Anderson, a serial killer, turned patient at the Asylum. Edison, as a child was brutally abused by his parents and Uncle. Edison's abuse was brutal, often times being beaten with a bat and being forced to climb into a seering hot bath for prolonged periods of time. The abuse as had a sexual side, with Edison routinely being subject to sexual violation and harm. His abusers would record these brutal actions, they would sometimes sell these recordings. After Edison was discovered to have wounds and burns on his skin, his parents and Uncle were arrested. The jury needed therapy after view the evidence that lead to the abusers' arrests. As a result of his abuse, Edison was mentally scarred and suffered from PTSD. He claimed that he could see visons of the abuse everytime he slept. After he reached the appropriate age, he ran away from his care taker. As a result, he took to the streets, becoming a brutal serial killer. His victims would be left in brutal positions, clearly showing extreme trauma before death. The corpses would be half naked, limbs detatched, the throut sliced open, the corpse was often hog tied, the finger nails were often taken, burns rittled the body. It eventaully was realized that the killer was Edison who, at the time, was working for the Asylum as a nurse. As opposed to surrendering Edison to the police, he was committed as a criminally insane patient. During this time the Stricken Soldier had escaped his cell. As a result of this, Edison would also be released began his own rein of terror across the Asylum.

Edison's Lair

Edison's Lair is an area that Edison Anderson claimed as his own. A sign written with human insides indictates that you are entering his lair. The area is also decorated with human skulls and hearts. It is known that Edison patrols this area for outsiders, when he finds them, he does the unthinkable. He ties the victim to a table, he then begins to perform castraitions and mutilation on his victims. He would achieve this with a hot knife, heated in a fire. He also uses this heated knife to cripple his victims. It is suspected that the ways in which he killed his victims may have stemed from his abuse. The ways in which the bodies decorated the lair, were done to serve as a stark warning for those whom venture inside. In fact when other patients are being persued, often times they're pursuers would break chase, when the lair is approached.

Lucid Dreaming

Over the course of Edison's stay at his caretaking facility and in the Asylum, he claimed to experience a, "lucid dream state". In this state, he claimed to be reliving the abuse he suffered. He said that when he entered a deep sleep, he would become aware, despite the fact that he was sleeping. Often times, he would dream of his abusers torturing and brutalizing. He claims he tried to escape, however, he couldn't overpower those on top of him. These dreams, paired with the torture, and PTSD, would result in the complete loss of his humanity.