The Female Ward.

The section of the Criminal Ward devoted to holding female patients

The Network

The Network, a place renouned for the horror and confusion it inflicts. It is comprised of a series of unkept rooms and hallways. Some of these passages simply lead to the feeding ground or male ward. However, there is great motivation to scour this seemingly endless assortment of rooms. A patient, Denis Slater, patrols this network. Much like other prominent patients, he decorated the Asylum's walls. Each decoration more gruesome than the next. Unfortunately, subjects would be left alive in his works. You can learn more about him on his description page. He would station this depraved and twisted works of "art," as he refered them as, all around the network. From brutal drawings, corpses that were twisted, snapped, violated, and skinned. He would hang his victims from the ceilings from time to time, in fact. Every person, whom became his victim, would become a part of his depraved art gallery. The fear of hearing the man closing in, in conjegation with the sight of his brutal art projects, set a tone of great spine chilling horror and deep-seeded feelings disturbance.

Pain does not Discriminate

If there's any lesson to be the from the Asylum, it would be the blindness of pain and dispicable treatment. See, inhuman brutality, that is shown from within the Asylum's walls has a special property. Reguardless of whether a person is a man, woman, or child, horror, suffering, and irrevocable damage is inflicted. It has no care, no qualms, no issue with reaking and distibuting one of the most reprehensable forms of dehumanization and brutality on any human being. This goes for women, children, and men. No matter what, tou will never be exempt and evil will not think twice before striking, especially, in this God Forsaken place. Much like in other wards, a diet, more like a death sentence is ever prevalent. Consisting of one bowl of bone broth, once a day. The same treatment, same abusive and inhumane work loads. The conditions, blood, gore, feces, urine, coat the floors of the cells. A putrid fog, consisting of putrified urine, water, bacteria, and blood inhabits cells. Acts of cannibalism, disembowlment, sexual abuse are ever more common place and ordinary. Due to the irrevocable damage that has been inflicted, all sense of humanity has left the patients. This is common in each and every ward, the truely lowest mental state the human animal can assume. Any lower, and death would occur. Despite that, death on the account of the exploited patients, is considered a great gift. It would free them from the fate that they find themselves in, a fate that vastly over powers death. It is a fate, of seemly endless suffering, feeling less than human, feeling the body shutdown and seemly fall a part, slowly and shred by shred. Whatching their civility and sanity ,as humans, fade until none is left. The after effect, is a human, emaciated and animalistic. A cannibal, an animal with no traces of humanity. A being that is no longer human, instead, the only thing keeping such a person alive is a pure and primal sense self preservation and savagery. Even in the female ward, this is even more common and often seen, rampant in the Asylum. On a daily basis, the women of this section would be abused and violated in the most depraved and deranged ways possible. This was done by patients, like Slater or doctors, nurses, and guards. Often times, patients would be seen with their heads bashed in, laying about the Asylum. Sometimes, the body would be hung from the ceiling and disembowled, their organs being duraped over their necks. Body parts left in pots, on plates, cooking over fires. Female patients would offer promises of inappropriate activity, however, they would attack the guard in question. This would lead to his brutal death. Due to the fact that deaths caused by cannibalistic crimes were more common, a system of sacrifice was created. This is because the Grave Robber was known across the whole Asylum. See, this section of the Asylum was still secured by its forces. This would change when the Stricken Soldier made his appearence. The massive man proceeded to smash each cell of the Female Ward until all patients were free and reaking havoc. As the story of this place progress, more will be answered, reguarding the experiments and the Asylum's outbreak.