Leon Rudolf


An older man, sometimes refered to as the senile scientist, was the co-founder of the Asylum. Despite the fact that he was far beyond hia time, in terms of intellect and knowledge of sciences, he utilized pseudo science when treating patients. This was likely due to the fact that he was a masochist. He took great pleasure in the suffering of others. He loved seeing the look on a patient's face, when he was told that a certain procedure would greatly be of aide. However, the suffering and pain on the patient's face. As a result of this, he mandated this type of treatment towards patients. Leonardo was a weak man, only weighing 120lbs, he was not able perform daily tasks without assistance. This was seen as hypocrical, because patients whom weren't able from a physical stand point. The primary founder, who is unknown, gave Leon full rule of the Asylum. He allowed Leon full charge over the Asylum. This meant that he was able to perform and mandate these brutal treatments, without any resistance from the founder. In addition to this, Leon had secret service at his disposal. By using his guards, he could dispatch any individual who wanted to spread the word, about the occurrances in this place. After the outbreak in the Asylum, he proceeded to secure himself inside a strong barrier. Somehow, he minipulated the Grave Robber into tending to his needs and doing his biding. Why and how this was done, you will find out, if you can muster the courage to continue!