Stricken Soldier


A man whose mind and body, was already broken in battle, was peeled and chipped further in this place. Disturbed and broken in battle, his wounds opened deeper when exposed to brutal therapies pracitced here. He was taken here, when he was declared criminally insane. He was inlisted into a recovery program for mentally scarred vets. Despite the name of the program, it resulted in more mortality than recovery. One day, he snapped, and murdered his close veterans. The employees weren't able to hold back the massive soldier, many other patients would die to him. He wields a massive sword-like knife, stained with the blood of those masacred by him. Often times, bodies would be found with their stomachs slit, their intestines lining their bodies in an odd decorative fashion. Their heads and arms would be decapitated, their heads lodged in their stomachs, and their arms and legs lodged in their rectums. It is believed that the brutality of his killings were the result of the incidiousness of his trauma. During his time in service, he went through and saw some of the worst things imaginable. On multiple instances, he witnessed his close vets he skinned, burned, and beheaded. Due to the graphic events he witnessed, while in service, he became desensitized to the horrors of murder. That aspect, further compounded and instilled, by the therapies and treatments at the Asylum. You're beginning to understand, this what this place created.

Military Service

This soldier fought over the course of the first World War, from 1914 to 1916. He was put through rigorious training for his service, however, no moral training nor conditioning could have prepared him for what he saw. He was outcasted by his fellow soldiers due to his abnormally large height and size. He was touted for his lacking social skills and weight. Upon going into battle, an artillery shell killed the majority of his company, leaving him and his friend. He was forced to view the revaged corpses of his fellow brothers. While trying to escape the enemy, him and his friend were captured by a search party. He tried his best to overpower the opposing group, but the added efforts of numerious enemy men, managed to subdue both of them. He had witness a brutal probing of his friend. The interrigation tactics used were brutal, he had to witness his friend become burned, skinned, stabbed, and injected with toxins. He would be tortured also, however, he survived without his mental competence. After committing brutal war crimes on captured enemny soldier, he was declared criminally insane.


After declared criminally insane by a military court, he was admitted to the Asylum. Due to the severity of his crimes, he was placed in the criminal Ward, and committed to a special needs program for scarred vets. In the Asylum, he would be subjected to the brutal treatment methods used in the Asylum. This would further erode at his already comprimized sanity. Eventually, in 1918, something in him was set ablaze. He snapped, attacking his torturers and veterans, decapitating and mutilating them. He broke from his cell, and began ravaging the Asylum. Employees, patients, and the like were killed in the brutal ways. Their bodies slit open, heads forced into their stomach cavities, arms and legs forced into their rectums. He would go on to free numerous patients from their restraints, allowing the Criminal Ward to be claimed by the patients of the Asylum.