It was a late night, I was extremely exhausted. I figured things would end up this way. I was assigned to work the grave yard shift at my crappy job, lucky me. After that hell was done with, a second swiftly befell me. The Walk Home. My damn phone had no reception and was on the verge of dying, too. Basically, I'm about to get stranded in some ghetto, with no phone, or sense of direction. There was no visable moon in the sky, the illumination came from distant city lights or crappy street lamps. Although illumination was poor, I still managed to traverse the poorly kept neighborhood. As I creep my way, trying to evade a possible gang encounter, I begin to see something. A figure. It had a human appearence. Around these parts, not a soul could be trusted, so I decided to hide. Around a long time, I decided to continue on my way. As I kept walking, I saw a shadow behind me, gaining. I swiftly turned around, and communicated with whoever it was, in an assertive voice. In reality, I was terrified, the being knew. It just stood there, in the darkness, just barely outside of a nearby lamp's beam. Eventually, I caved. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't hear foot steps around me, I figured it wasn't interested. I calm down, however, I realize I'm even deeper in the ghetto. Great.
I look to right, I take off my glasses. It couldn't be. Figure, starring, motionless, fixated at me. Is the end here? With the strongest and most aggressive I could muster, I demanded the figure to leave. I also claimed that I was armed. After I finished with my threats, something happened that will stay with me forever. Something that shocked me and fiber of my being. Something that no human could possibly see without becoming corrupted. A grawl came from the figure, not of human creation, not of worldly creation. Then, a pair of glowing red eyes opened, piercing through the darkness. My breath speed up, my heart punded, I ran. I ran and ran, until I fell. Over the whole journey, I could hear the grawl and see its eyes. Finally, I had made it home. I had trouble grasping what had happened. Right now, I'm telling myself, "I don't know what you think you saw, it was in your head." Honesty, I'm having trouble understanding what's real and what isn't.